My Halloween Wish For You . . .

Your favorite villain
may be your guiding light
in uncertain times.

When I was a baby ballerina, I saw the first modern staging of the ballet, Dracula. 

The music was relentlessly evocative.  By Dracula’s death scene, the dancer playing the role flung himself so close to the orchestra pit, I was certain he would plunge to his own demise.  He dropped heavily on the last note, his head and shoulders dangling precariously over the edge of the stage.

The curtain dropped. House lights came up. Theater emptied. 

I found myself still perched on the edge of my seat, clinging to the armrests, one droplet of sweat trickling down the back of my neck, unable to breathe.   

Strangely, a year later, a ballet company, states away, offered me a job, promising a new ballet they wanted to stage . . .  Dracula. 

All new choreography.  Set primarily to Arvo Part’s Tabula Rasa and Cantus for Benjamin Britten (and here they are for your Halloween playlist).

Even more strangely, since then, Dracula has been my lighthouse, primarily when I may have been searching for a light, but definitely not for Dracula.

Opportunities involving the novel Dracula, over the decades, forced me to acknowledge my greatest hidden desires and therefore, required me to dig, dig and dig to uncover my greatest reserves of courage. 

It is not lost on me that Dracula’s creator, Bram Stoker, was a lawyer, a writer, in love with the theater, with story, with pushing the edges of societal norms, and exploring “reality” and the spirit world.  

The idea of Dracula led me to accept the desire and find the courage to venture into the world of evidence-based mediumship.  (and within this journey to say YES to a whole bunch of experiences everyone told me to say NO to, and vice versa.)

I share this with you this Halloween to remind you that there is very little on Earth we can individually control, particularly when it comes to the unknown amongst us, and the times ahead of us.

However, there are immutable, simple truths that lie in each of our hearts and souls.  Your guide to your truth may be an unexpected one.  

Your guide may seem like an unknowable monster or a scary villain to your family or to the rest of the world.  Your guide may be a deceased loved one, a pet, an angel you don’t think you deserve.

Your guide just might be Dracula. 

Halloween is all about venturing into the dark, the unknown, with a sense of mischief and courage.

My wish for you this Halloween is to go forth, into that unknown, hand-in-hand with the desires of your heart and the peace and wisdom of your soul.  Grab the hand of your secret guide, and know that you have an entire band of heart and soul walkers, traveling right next to you. 


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